Mind and body (in conversation with Sblam Italia)

Mind and body are inseparable: there is no one without the other. When well -being Of the mind it is created and strengthens then reverbera in the body. When the body is fine The mind can improve freely. This happens because the mind and body They are roommates, it is therefore important to learn to take care of the whole package.

Listen: What does your head say? What does your belly say? Let's start with think about this. The head is your rational reasoning, cognitive thought, While the belly is your instinct, the voice of your body, the emotional compass. If the belly sounds the red alarm something is wrong. 

By starting to listen to you and to be aware of the signals you can learn to
be kind to you and your body, a fundamental stop in the path to
mental well -being. Show gratitude and appreciation for your body, not for its appearance, but for all processes that supports every day and that keep you in life and healthy (the lungs that transform oxygen into carbon dioxide, the heart that pumps the blood In the veins, the eyes that allow you to see, the legs that allow you to move ...).

Try to reconnect with the signals of your body: this can mean that sometimes
You will prefer to rest and recover your energies rather than going to the gym, but it can also mean that other times you will find the time to go out to go running because you know that it is what your body needs at that moment.

Ask yourself (and try to answer) what you love your body. Try not to focus only on the aesthetic aspects and also consider the functional and practical aspects of your body. Think about everything your body allows you to do every day.

It could just be walking, breathing or digesting the food you eat!
These things may seem of relative importance, but they are fundamental for
Keep you alive, happy and healthy.

Ask yourself (and try to answer) what are the things of your body for which you are grat*. The
Your body does a lot for you: every day it allows you to move through life and
experiment with everything it has to offer, no matter how fit you are, or that
What do you think of your appearance.

Respecting your body means treating it with dignity and with the intention of satisfying its needs. Appreciating your body is the first step of a path that leads you to develop a deeper connection with you Stess*.


Of course, it is not always easy: the society in which we live tends to reward the physical appearance With very rigid canons and favors the bodies that comply with an ideal model. These messages are heavily reinforced by television, social media, magazines, fashion sector, food advertising and in general from pop culture. Remember, however, that respect for your body comes from inside and does not concern
physical aspect. It is an unconditionally positive attitude towards the Your humanity and yourself or yourself as a person. Dignity and respect are human rights and do not depend on the size of your body, but they foresee that you have care of it. Having respect for your body also means accepting your genetics. AND Learn to appreciate. Start from an assumption: not everything is modifiable. There are Some parts of you who are working and others that you have to learn to accept, you are a Therefore, being human to have limits is the very part of your existence. The comparison with the limit and acceptance of the same are inevitable passages towards the True love of you. And when we talk about acceptance we do not describe a process of
submission or resignation. Acceptance does not lead to passivity in the face of unpleasant and painful feelings, but it takes note that they exist and allows you to live them Without succumbing, to become stronger. Work on your internal body image. The body image responds Basically the question: "How do you see when you look in the mirror or
When do you imagine in your mind? ". In a broader sense, it also includes the
sensations you have about the aspects of your body that depend mainly from genetics and are not under your control and also includes how you perceive and Check your body when you move or find yourself in social situations. Keep in mind that the body image is not limited only to the physical image of your body but also includes your opinions on your appearance (including your memories, the things that you take for granted and the generalizations, for example the way you see yourself When you look at your photos).

People with a negative body image have a greater probability of develop a eating disorder and are more likely to suffer from depression, isolation, low self -esteem and developing obsessions for the loss of weight.

A negative body image can manifest itself in these ways:
Have a distorted perception of your forms: perceive some parts of yours
body unlike how they really are.
Feel uncomfortable in your body.
Believe that only other people are attractive and that the size or shape of the
Your body are practically personal failure.

Shame, try anxiety and embarrassment for your body.
A positive body image instead is:
Have a clear and real perception of your figure, which allows you to see
The various parts of your body for how they really are.
Feeling at ease and sure of you in your body.
Feel you fier* and accept the Your body as it is despite not considering it perfect.
Appreciate your physical shape and believe that the physical appearance tells little about
character and the value of a person.
It happens to have "days no", in which we feel uncomfortable in our bodies, but the key to developing a positive body image is to explore you, meet you,  accept you and enhance you. And you can learn to do all this!

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