Hormonal intelligence

 How to interact with our hormones, transforming them into precious allies

When it comes to period Very often common thought goes to what is only one of its phase: menstruation. Certain! It is the one that attracts greater attention for its external events (the blood!). But the cycle is much more and affects every single day of a woman's fertile life.
Learning to know what happens to our body between one menstruation and the other can be of great help. 
Meanwhile, we begin to distinguish the four phases of which the cycle is made up: these cover a period of 28 days, but its duration can vary according to the subject.
  • Menstruation
  • The follicular phase
  • Ovulation
  • The luteal phase
In this process, the famous people play as protagonists hormones, to which we often blame for our bad mood, for the sudden rising of a pimple, etc. In reality, hormones do not deserve such a bad reputation! Indeed, they play a very important role! They activate some reactions within the body, providing essential instructions on the processes that regulate our health.
The most important hormones involved in the menstrual cycle are essentially three: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Learn about their effects, developing what we called hormonal intelligence, will help you establish greater harmony with your body and psyche. Now let's see the menstrual phases more closely.


  • Menses: They cover the first 3-5 days of the cycle. In this phase the estrogen and progesterone reach their lowest level. This reduction causes the flaking of the endometrium and, therefore, bleeding. In this period, you can probably feel more tired, troubled, sensitive: this too is due to the lack of progesterone, but it will soon be resolved!


  • Follicular phase: approximately between the 6th and 14th day is calculated. During this period the cells of the vagina work to create a favorable environment for the arrival of any sperm. In the first part of the follicular phase, the FSH (follicle-stimulating) hormone is released which contributes to the development of follicles, each of which contains an egg. Only one, said dominant, will mature at the end of this phase. In these days you may notice an increase in cervical mucus and vaginal lubrication: it's all under control! Your body is preparing for the next phase, ovulation. Thanks to the rising of estrogen, then you will feel at most energy.


  • Ovulation: Thanks to the influence of the LH hormone (luteinizing), the mature follicle bursts, releasing the egg in the fallopian tube, ready to be fertilized. You may warn light cramps, which will pass within a couple of days, at the end of this phase. Meanwhile, the estrogens have reached their peak and together with the LH and testosterone they will make you feel invincible. The skin appears brighter to you, the most symmetrical face ... in general you feel more sexy! Nature is encouraging you to fertil your egg ... and if you are not looking for a pregnancy, this does not mean that you don't have to take advantage of the moment! 


  • Lutheal phase: Initially the estrogen will still be high, but their descent will soon begin. In the meantime, the progesterone, responsible for the swelling and decrease in libido, is peeked ... always thanks to its presence, you may feel less energetic and less inclined to the night-out. Take advantage of it to invite friends to dinner or relax by watching a movie or reading a book! 


 The cycle arrived at the end of the 28 days and ... everything is about to start over! But now you have a new ally, in addition to the hormones that you will have become expert: music! We at This We thought of ad hoc Spotify playlists for each mood! Click on the link to follow us https://open.spotify.com/user/mfyybiw8ig3ixkkpx68olqwzq?si=qwCRfdUPTs27j6xDBWF7Og&nd=1 And suggest here, in the comments, what are the songs that you find most suitable for the four phases of the cycle!

Good fun…

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