Absorbents This Unique in the company (Ecostore case)

Who doesn't like surprises? Certainly to the people who are caught unprepared by their own menstrual qqqlpcyclic, moreover in the office.

How many times have we happened to rummage in the bag in search of that forgotten absorbent or to ask the colleague to lend one? Just think that 86% of women had at least once menstruation in the workplace without having the necessary products with them to understand that the problem is quite widespread. Since June, in Eco Store, being caught by surprise from menstruation will no longer be a reason for concern or embarrassment.

Starting from the assumption that giving the possibility to those who have menstruation to manage the cycle in a healthy and effective way means protecting a fundamental human right, Eco Store has in fact decided to give eco-inclusive access to the absorbents in their offices and workplaces.

The partnership with This, Unique, the young company that has been fighting since 2021 to eradicate the taboo from menstrual hygiene, has been a natural consequence, linked above all to the values ​​that identify the two companies. In fact, the Italian start -up produces and distributes 100% compostable organic cotton absorbent, thus allowing the reduction of the water consumption of 91% and spotting the dispersion of microplastics in the environment. “Tackling menstruation without having the necessary products can cause anxiety, embarrassment and discomfort in people - says Federica Gerardi, Eco Store's operational director - For this reason we wanted to bring the absorbents like toilet paper, offering them free of charge to our employees in time of need.

A small step to start living the cycle with the normality and sustainability it deserves. "

The one with This, Unique is only one of the partnerships put in place by Eco Store in theme sustainability. The Eco Card premium catalog is in fact dotted with partnerships and collaborations with a sustainable flavor, which underline the brand's continuous will to network with realities that have the same values ​​and the same attention to the environment for the benefit of its customers.

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