Almost, almost the This subscription, Unique no longer leaves him. With the box always
Adaptable to your needs, who makes you go back?
Know it better, discovering the answers to the questions you could bring.

How do I accumulate too many products?

Access your personal area and choose whether to skip a renewal of the subscription,
or select a customizable renewal date based on your needs
from the "Next Shipping" section.

Can I change the composition of my box?

Of course, at any time! Connect to the personal area and change the
Composition in a few clicks.

I have to change shipping address. I can do it?

By connecting to the personal area, delete the old address and add that
new as predefined.

With the saving subscription?

Subscription purchases are always discounted by 20%. To save money
even more choose to receive the box every 90 days, in order to break down
also the shipping cost, or finding a* Amic* with which
share the box.